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Curving definition:
This process is also called dangling, and it is a horticultural process from the service operations of the head of the palm tree. It follows the process of pollination and thinning. By curving, it is intended to pull the stalk or bunches from its natural position between the fronds, leaflets, and spines, hanging it down and distributing it in a regular and balanced manner around the head of the palm tree.
Curving date and how to perform it:
This process takes place after completing the pollination process for about 6 to 8 weeks, i.e. before the stalks harden and break when the fruits are in the habbouk stage (the first stage of fruit setting). At this time, the high weather temperatures are taken advantage of in the afternoon, so that the stalk flexibility increases. And it is easy for the palm trees to pull the stalk and bend it without the risk of breaking it. And it needs trained technical workers so that no damage occurs to the bracts, which affects productivity.
The curving process is suitable for cultivars of palm trees with long stems, such as the Siwi cultivar and some varieties of Al Majhel. As for the varieties with short stems, it is sufficient to hang them only on the stem of the leaf opposite them, and they are usually supported by brackets with two branches resting on the trunk of the palm so as to prevent slippage and breaking of the stem when the weight of the fruit increases.
Curving benefits:
Preventing the entanglement of fruit-bearing flower beds with fronds, wickers and thorns in case they are left without curving, which makes it difficult to deal with fruits from bagging and picking, as well as may lead to exposure of fruits to scratches from thorns and the appearance of tattoos on the fruits.
Distributing the load of the palm tree regularly around the head of the palm tree, which preserves the palm tree from bending to one side.
Preventing the stems of the fronds from breaking as a result of the accumulation of fronds on top of each other, which leads to slipping of some fronds and damage to their fruits.
Preventing the apex of the palm tree from bending as a result of the stalk resting on one side rather than the other.
Improving the quality characteristics of the fruits by exposing them to sunlight and good ventilation, as well as reducing the rate of insect infestations with fruit pests and rots, and the regularity and homogeneity of the ripening process and the color of the fruits.
Protecting the head of the palm from the apical infestation of the red palm weevil, as the curving reduces the wounds that may occur in the place of the exit of the arageen, which is considered a major source of the apical infestation of the palm weevil.
Facilitating the bagging process, thus facilitating date fruits collection.
Facilitating, speeding up and increasing the effectiveness of the process of controlling fruit pests.
Preserving the Arajeen from breaking, when the size of the fruits increases, and their weight and heaviness increase, and thus reduce the loss of the crop.
Preventing the fruits from falling in the event of monsoon winds while they are intertwined without curving.
The curving process is suitable for varieties of palms with long stems, such as the Siwi variety and some seed varieties. As for the varieties with short stems, it is sufficient to hang them only on the stem of the leaf opposite them, and they are usually supported by brackets with two branches resting on the trunk of the palm tree so as to prevent slippage and breaking of the stem when the weight of the fruit increases.
As for the Siwa variety with long stems, and because the tissues of its stems dry out and harden (wooden) quickly, which may lead to damage to them when bending, it affects the proportion of food and origin of the fruits, so their size decreases, as well as the fruits fall off and the saplings disintegrate. For fronds and attaching the base of the arjoun to any nearby leaf base so that its date is two weeks to a month after the palm pollination process. It also helps to increase the efficiency of the spraying process and the control of the dusty mite.